Why Terminator Salvation Was A Fucking Mess

What Went Wrong With Terminator Salvation

It's here that you can really understand where Terminator Salvation fell to pieces. The film was being rewritten, piecemeal, on the set. Instead of re-engineering the whole picture it seems like McG and company were just tackling each segment, figuring out how to get John Connor more involved without fixing the underlying structure at which they were picking away.


UCDBrizzle said…
i liked it, although there are a whole shit load of plot holes... LOl skynet is like a bond villain
Anonymous said…
didn't like it. i was hoping this new terminator would be like the new star trek in terms of quality. it wasn't. it was just a bad movie. the plot had problems left and right, so did the action. i saw 3 different terminators in a movie where a war is supposed to be happening. and bale sounded like batman. i could go into more depth, but i don't really want to, it was just a badly done movie.
UCDBrizzle said…
i thought there would be more terminators with large picturesque battles...

yeah, he did sound like batman, I think i said that out loud while watching..

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