Commander John/Aud/Thunder/Rapeface Shepard LIVES


Travis said…
I can't get excited for this game much anymore. The aesthetic is doing nothing for me.

They should just go back to fucking with starwars because obviously they don't have enough imagination on their own. They couldn't even escape the force powers usage but be clever enough to still let the player get some kind of lightsaber in there.

There's nothing alien to these worlds. It just looks like NASA got a hold of everything in the year 2104. THAT year.

Also I was hoping sheperd was dead because I want a new voice actor.
Bryan said…
The first game had to establish a universe. This game is where they need to flesh it out much more substantially. I predict, based on what they are talking about, that the action elements of the game will be improved but will leave the exploration bits lacking.
Travis said…
God we'll just never get another KOTOR...

That's all this is really about.

I hope the story for Mass Effect two is really awesome and that I'll actually give a shit about the characters.
matt said…
i dont remember the ending, why do they think hes dead again?
Bryan said…
It has to do with the first teaser trailer for #2, it says Shepard was KIA, or killed in action.
matt said…
oh. and i know what KIA is

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