Must Listen Radio

Opie, Jim Norton and Patrice O'Neal discuss the election, Obama, and racism in America today.
Note that you will need to register to use the site but it is free and takes about ten seconds. The talk starts at around 48:00 by my counter.

"In this edition:
Anthony isn't in today. Brock Lesnar wins the UFC Heavyweight Title. Patrice O'Neal joins the show. We continue our discussion about the UFC. And we talk about racism in America. Once we get to Sirius XM, we talk about our favorite comedians of all time. We discuss gay marriage. A pastor wants couples to have sex once a day for a week. And we talk about the new line-up on Sirius XM."

Forget about all the other associations with this show for a second. Forget the crude, cringe humor. Forget things like Remove Your Hat or their chronic insistance to play 2 Girls 1 Cup for celebrity guests. For me, this is what makes the show truly great and not just entertaining, sick, and hilarious. Their honest, open dialogue about racial issues in this country is absolutely captivating to me. Here, the intelligence of people like Jim Norton really shines. I knew that this was a radio show I had to stick with when the Imus incident went down, and they were part of literally a handful of people at the time saying "this is all bullshit." How they canned an old man for saying something that's a 1.5 on the racist scale, how hypocritical the people attacking him were, from Jesse Jackson (who not too much later dropped the n-bomb on Fox) to sniveling weather douche Al Roker (who complained about how the insensitivity to a group should not be tolerated; he made fun of people with epilepsy in the same manner a week later). How they pulled Imus off the air in the middle of his annual charity event for kids with cancer. They were relentless and firm in a stupid period of time where it was frowned upon to not be part of the pile on. And this discussion feeds right into that with Patrice. The subject of 'covert racism' is again brushed with (this is a concept that Patrice himself first brought to the show) and how now instead of people in the system being directly racist, a new kind of racism in the form of white paternalism is emerging, and how Patrice believes that played into the election. Patrice brings up a lot of points, most that I don't agree with but nonetheless fascinating to me, and Jimmy spars with him brilliantly.

You can choose to fast forward through the UFC talk in the beginning as it's mostly standard fare anyhow, but from the moment Patrice steps to the microphone, it is the prime reason why I stick with radio and this show. If you need a torrent program to download the show, go here. The program is pretty easy and self-explanatory.


Brian said…
I tried signing up, but failed.

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