Comic-Con: The List

Bryan Thaxton
Brian Dalder
Mallene Martin
Matt Sandy
Nick Sandy
Olivia Kwan

Not Going:
Brian Roper
Travis Ashkenasy
Hannah Nguyen
Junior "Demizer" Alvarez
Lucio Valentino
Andrew Tuazon
Danielle Pena
Mary Hickox

Doug Pan

If you are on the unconfirmed list, please let me know as soon whether you plan to attend or not.

Bold = Confirmed


Travis said…
Olivia Kwan!

Bryan said…
Yep. Matt reads this blog and let me know his group was interested. So it's me, him, Nick, Olivia, and Dalder.
Anonymous said…
His group.

dalderbooty said…
Thanks for confirming my girlfriend too
Anonymous said…
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

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