I Am Fucking Prescient

I was talking in the office today about OJ Simpson and his book, "If I Did It." I heard that the rights to it had been given to the Goldman family and they were going to publish it. I joked that they should change the name of the book to simply, "I Did It" but it looks like they did one better:

It even says, "He Did It" at the bottom. I must have this book.


Anonymous said…
What the fuck...
Travis said…
Wow, it's funny because the publishers obviously aren't on OJ's side this time. Which is great because the man's gotten away with so fucking much, he really deserves this jab.

Fuck, he got away with MURDER. And he's FAMOUS. This is why we all want to become famous goddamit.

I don't know if I have a point I'm kinda sleepy. Whatever this book is fantastic it's going to be a best seller.
Anonymous said…
But it doesn't have OJ's name anywhere on the cover.

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