It's Been Awhile

Since I've done any kind of serious posting on here. The reasons are numerous, from the general summer haze that always sets in around this time to me working 3 days a week to my girlfriend. It's been a mess, so I'll try to catch you up in such a way that is entertaining and not just a pedestrian description of my life that you'll read the first three words of, then scroll down to see how long it is before deciding to "read it later(sic)"

First off, it's post school. Usually a normal thing, right? Enjoying summer before going back. But I'm not going back. It's a strange feeling. As I've said to Jason many times before, this is life now. The safety net is gone. All that sadness at graduation? I suspect it was pretty false. That wasn't sadness over a familiar chapter ending; that was fear of an unknown chapter beginning. I could lie and tell you it makes me think of my school career over all and the various mischievous adventures and raging crazy feelings I've had over the past four, but to be honest, I haven't thought about them at all until right at this moment. Over the four years, the predominant things that come to mind are Rebecca, the Bleacher Boys, Danielle, two musicals and a whore that came from one of them, Rebirth (which I'll never finish), Alyssa, Myha, Jason and Assassins (those two go together more than you'd think), and Myha....again. It's funny, that such things seem a stereotypical lifetime ago. Most of them don't. Really only Rebecca, Danielle and Alyssa. And everyone's favorite Unmentionable, don't forget her. The only four things I've actually dwelled on in the past few are Myha, Assassins, Jason, and the Bleacher Boys, respectively.

Secondly, I've had work. This is probably why unlike many, I have not had time to reflect, and thus have not been shell shocked by my future. I'm too busy making one to think about it. I started working for my mom's company pretty much within days of graduation, and have put in a lot of work. Every day is at least 8 hours of lifting, moving, inspecting, receiving, repackaging, handling, and sometimes even painting, office furniture. I've spent a lot of time working with the computer system, geting to know it and whatnot. Almost all of my coworkers are Mexican and all of them are awesome. My opinion on the whole illegal aliens thing was pretty neutral before, but I think it's bullshit now. They waste more time on Mexicans than they do on potential terrorists. Blah blah blah, political mouthpiecing. You get the idea. I think that if you don't like that people work like their survival depends on it are getting jobs over you, maybe your work ethic should be upped a tad. But I digress. Despite working days that are twice as long as the one's at LaVal's, the stress level is noticeably lower. I guess it helps that I don't have an angry Napoleon in my face every time he or myself makes a mistake. The guys I work with in the warehouse kill me. They're so wrong. If Myha heard half the things they said, she'd burst into tears. It's male bonding, I guess. I won't put into text any of it, but suffice to say that you'd laugh.

Speaking of Myha, she's the third reason there hasn't been much updatage. I've been spending pretty much all of my available free time with her. On the downside, that means no Bleacher Boys, no Jason, and no Assassins. On the upside... That's for me to know and you to ponder at feverishly for all eternity. If you know me at all you know how far I tend to get carried away with these things, and this is no exception. Why didn't it work the first time? My theories are my own and pertain to some who may read this, so I shall keep that between me and me. Since graduation, things have progressively gotten more and more involved. Someone who I saw at school every day has become someone who might end up living with me soon. More on that momentarily. I was hesistant to post this before since it ain't pretty, but seeing as how both Myha and Ken have both talked about it NUMEROUS times on theirs, I figure what the Hell. Okay, so on top of her parents being vehement racists (which doesn't bode well for me, not being native to Vietnam), they're also overwhelmingly sexist. And completely ridiculous. I can't speak for her brother, but clearly her parents have spent the last 17 years programming even more doubt and guilt into this girl than other girls normally have. I know it's just bullshit compliment fishing when girls say "I don't think I look pretty" or "God I'm so fat," but I swear. She gets guilty over things that she has no relevance to at all! I will mention that I had a sucky day at work since I had to spraypaint for 6 hours and got a little high and she'll act as though she's actually responsible for the whole incident, as if she were the very intoxicating inhalant itself. This to me is entirely mind-boggling; it's one thing to sympathize. It's another thing entirely to take responsibility for the conception of spraypaint. Then there's the whole doubt of appearance thing, which is actually pretty standard for females. My opinion on the whole thing is one I've adopted from one of my coworkers - every day you should look in the mirror and only one thought should cross your mind in regards to your appearance: "Damn, I look good AND I still have all my teeth." That's a credo to live by, if you ask me. I for one will say that I think she's beautiful, and to me, that's all that matters. I will say that if I were to change one thing about her, it would be to axe the hair she hits me in the face with - repeatedly and on purpose. But let me get back to the point. Her parents have become a pretty huge issue as of late. Before, they were just kind of an annoying roadblock that I'd repeatedly tell Myha was racist. And she'd disagree. And now they're having some kind of family breakdown, and Myha finally agrees with me. I've gone on numerous rants to her about how irresponsible, petty, and terrible they are. For the most part she's on their defense, but things are going the way of...I don't know, the dinosaurs or the environment or something else extinct. She has proclaimed on numerous times that "this is how they were raised and that's how it is in Vietnam." That's fine. In Vietnam. We're in America now, where domestic abuse of any kind is illegal! If you want to be a Commie psychopath, go do it somewhere else. There's no excuse for not modernizing with the times. This isn't fifty years ago. And even if it was, that's no excuse to treat your month away from being an adult daughter like a five year old retard. Some of their reasonings for why she can't get out of the house are laughable. Take for instance yesterday, in which her mother was actually afraid the sun would kill her if she left the house before 7. Yeah, figure that one out! And then there's the timeless classic, "No you can't walk to your friend's house, you might get raped!" Another good one would be the time she was over here for I don't know, like an hour or so longer than she was scheduled (yes scheduled) to be, and her dad thought she was kidnapped. On Bayfarm. For those of you who don't know what Bayfarm is, it's an old people retreat island. The most notable features would be the golf course and the 11 PM curfew for minors. Wow, that just screams rape territory. These people just confound me. I don't understand the thought process at all, if it even exists. Lately, it has gotten so bad that she's decided to leave with her brother on her birthday. Happy birthday, right? This all came about from yesterday. Remember that visit I told you about? Well she ended up at my house at around 7:30ish and stayed until around ten. When she got home, her mother went Vesuvius, or St. Helens, or truckload of C4, pick your poison. She was grounded for 3 MONTHS for coming home late. Oh, they gave the same punishment to Ken as well for being 15 minutes late. And this is the day before his birthday. Are you getting the picture? So now it's last straw. She's gone as soon as that magic 18 is reached. The problem is where? It looks like my house is prime candidate for occupancy. To be honest, I would have no problem housing them both - if we had the room. As it is, I need to figure out the logistics of another person moving in. And this is all assuming my mom goes for it, which she hopefully will since she likes Myha.

As if that weren't enough for my packed life, I leave on Saturday for a week on vacation. Happy happy joy joy.


Brian said…
Moving in = a whole nother ballpark.

Lets hope it doesnt end badly (if it ends).
Bryan said…
It wouldn't be a walk in the park. The important thing is that she gets away from the parents. That's what I care about above all else.
Anonymous said…
Have you one this one up the flagpole to your Mom?

Your girlfirend is Asian. Most, Asians put a lot of value on family, even a dysfunctional one. She may be angry right now, but will she really move out when she turns 18? They've had her for 17 years. You really have known her for, at most, a few months. This one may wind up being a much harder choice for her than you realize.
Brian said…
I'm not sure what you mean by "safety net." Financially? Emotionally?

Personally, the so-called "real world" isn't much different from school, save probably a few big things.

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