You sillies, I made this. I did so you all would do it. Like I said when I commented on it in the last post, I made it so I could fill it out, and so maybe you all would too because I thought it would be funny if the Bleacher Boys filled them out as though they were a fictional character. It's basically a shadow of the four-issue Transformers Encyclopedia from the 80's. Heres mine, I posted a crappy one about me on my journal and a better one on myspace. Sorry if some parts aren't written that well, I was really just trying to base it off the forementioned comics.

Name Travis
Age Concieved at 18. Real truth held by Lucio.
Place of BirthBerkely
Weight/Size 5'2/140
Special Powers/AbilitiesAction Chop, Straight Arm Rocket, Rabbit Punch, Lofty Kick, Arm Cannon/X-Blast, Eye Flash, Ki-eye, Blast Off, Rear Thruster, Pose
AlliancePirate, Bleacher Boy Crew
Alternate Mode/EgoAction Travis
RankLieutenent Commander Second Class(?)
FunctionWarrior- Reconnaisance
Profile/Special Notes "Key-OP!" can often be heard in the distance as foes vainly try to defeat Action Travis. Lucio is Travis' best friend and the self proclaimed creator/inventor of him. No one skeptisizes otherwise, as Lucio seems to often have a mysterious hold over Travis, able to frequently subdue him whenever he pleases. Although Travis was techinically born before Lucio, it is still beleived that Travis was engineered by him. He fears secretely that Lucio will press the red button on him, secretely Lucio knows this. Action Travis' abilities seem limited by only to what he dicovers of them. Travis was not born with self knowledge of his powers, and discovers them only in the heat of battle. Action Travis' strengthes and abilities seemes to be linked to his state of emotions and willingness, and also his ability to act on his imagination. Travis phases into Action Travis infrequently, and only in the most defensive, confident, and heroic of his moments. Seeing these tendancies, Doug has found out that Action Travis has greater cerbro-cercuitry than most other Cyborg beings. This enables AT to record instantaneously any "action" and "heroic" motions he sees, and, within the limits of his design, duplicate them himself. Thus, he is inspired by such fantasy heroes as Megaman, Astro Boy, and Viewtiful Joe. They are his favorites. Action Travis has the ability to fly with single-jet rear thrusters on the bottom of each of his feet, allowing him to fly 60 miles per hour until his AT mode fades. In "ass-kick" mode, Action Travis can use his two arms as pile-drivers, excerting 8000 pounds of force upon impact with up to five impacts per second. Outside of his brute strength, his total comand of the electromagnetic spectrum allows him, in his Action Travis mode, to emit a coruscating beam of energy in a wide variety of forms: high energy explosive gamma rays, x-rays allowing him to see through most things, blinding visible light, super-hot infrered rays and/or radio waves that seem to do nothing particularly useful as of yet. Having never been designed for anything specific, Action Travis remains a size consistent with his human form, although to be specific, he becomes much like a cyborg. his appearence is that of a metalic and doll-like versian of his human self, with visually segmented joints. He looks like a giant, angry toy.
Weaknesses:Sometimes, in duplicating the actions of another, Action Travis pushes his design limits further than he can control. This results in often mid-battle "stalling", in which he becomes clumsy and less efficient. Action Travis, much like in real life, has particularly lower stamina/lasting power than his relative peers.


I really did it for myself just kind of hopeing other people thought makeing one is as cool as I do. But then again, no one else has as awesome an alter-ego as I do. But yeah, give it a try.


Brian said…
I'm not going to post a whole new update for it, but here's the link to my journal ...


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