This Disturbs Me

Remember that Watchmen movie forum I shuddered at a while back? Time to show you why:

All this talk of changing the film makes me think they actually want it to be changed.

NO. You will not try to bring me into your boat by appealing to me with Rorschach. No changes, period.

You're right, the story wasn't that great. It was totally the layout.

Take the superheroes out. I mean God, the story isn't even really about them anyway.

I'll cut you.

Yeah, Sin City just proves you shouldn't try to be faithful to the comic you're adapting. I mean, it just can't be done.

This isn't dumb per se; it's just a case of looking WAY too much into the minutia. And that's coming from me.

If Dr. Manhattan reconstructed himself in the perfect human form, why would you want him to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Or Gutsy McStomachhackedoutwithanaxelton?

I'm actually afraid to click this, so I haven't yet.

Moore disowns film

Changes?!? NO CHANGES!!!

UGH. You're missing the point.

In all honesty, this forum isn't nearly as bad as it could be. In most of these cases, a member with a solid head on their shoulders tells the author they're an idiot. It's mixed about half and half. But really, how does Watchmen have stupid fans?


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