100 Bullets

Agent Graves is the man with the answers and the solution. He finds people of all walks of life and gives them the chances to make things right. He carries a suitcase; in it, an untracable gun with 100 untracable hollowpoint bullets, and all the evidence necessary to justify the revenge. Take for example, the first character he comes across. Her name is dizzy, and she's a Mexican street thug just out of jail who's repenant of her ways. Why? Because her husband and son were killed while she was locked up. The police say that it was a gang killing, but Graves says otherwise - and he's got proof.

I got the first book and I have to say it's good in a twisted sort of way. Unfortunately, the first book is tiny, only encompassing three or four issues of the comic. Already I love Graves. He is the man. It's not clear where he's from, what his motives are, why he does what he does...all that's clear are what he has. Perhaps he's part of some government branch that just does this shit for giggles. Hell if I know. Maybe this is a human experiment to see how people react to certain things. THe only thing that's clear is that if you've been scorned, he finds you. And he gives you deal you can't resist.


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