You. Me. Tommorow. Filming.

Alright bitches, enough of the complaining of waving around of your sissy hands. Time to either shut up and sit on them, or follow me. Were going back to before we started this "thing" and getting some shit done. Whether it's cute or not. I havn't posted in a while so I'm probably rusty.

I know who the people are that are saying to themselves, "Trav, stop wasting your time, I'm already going to film with you, thick or through thin." For the others I have to say to you that I'm tired of freaking trying to sell the idea of filming Happy Pills to you. If it's not tasty enough to you, go home, I don't want to film with you anyways. I'm going to pursue asking other people who actually care to film with me regularly now. I already talked to Musashi about it and he wants to partner with us too. It's just a matter talkling to him, he's learning a lot and has great recources. Not to mention he's a creative goldmine spawned from a life writing and intense anime fandome, adding that he's also pretty good with the technical stuff too. Plus other's want to be in my movies too, and I'm now eager to put them in whatever we do.

Here's the gameplan. I feel strongly that we need to back to finishing what we started and starting a couple other ideas. We can't do the other thing because the group that was supposed to do the Pirate movie does not know how to work together and embrace time. The fault is as equally on my part as it is theirs. I'm changing that, as long as they care to change that too. Tommorow I want to finish the TJ thing and whatever else may grace our imaginiations. I really want to not waste time, but I know how futile that hope can be sometimes. I found a great site while searching for some lighting equipment. It's for beggining amateur filmakers. I found a section called the "10 Minute Film School". I'm going to take out some parts that I feel we could relate too and im also going to link the site. You better read the whole thing or don't bother ever trying to come around me when I'm trying to film something. It's nothing hard-core, stop shaking. It's not long either, so don't look at it and than decide to do something else and come back to this site another time. Just read it now, it just won't matter to you later. Besides, I want you to read this before Friday.

There you go.

"Okay, so you wanna be a film-maker?
(Class choruses 'YES')
Wrong! You ARE a film-maker. The moment you think about that you want to be a fillm-maker you're that. Make yourself a business card that says you're a film-maker, pass them out to your friends, soon as you get that over with and you've got it in your mind that you're one you'll be one, you'll start thinking like one. Don't dream about being a film-maker, you are a film-maker. Now let's get down to business.

Let's Play!!

What you need to learn is that being creative is not enough in this business. You have to become techinical. Creative people are born creative - you're lucky. Technical people however can never be creative. Its something they'll never get. You can't buy it, find it, study it - you're born with it. Too many creative people don't want to learn how to be technical, so what happens? they become dependent on technical people. Become technical, you can learn that. If you're creative and technical, you're unstoppable.

Experience - Do you have experience in movies? You do, right - you WATCH movies. Now you need to have movie experience - you're not going to learn from just watching movies, you're learn some things, you'll learn more picking up a camera, making your own films, your own mistakes - mistakes don't have to be mistakes, everything is subjective - a mistake to one person is actually a piece of art to someone else. Hide behind that, tell everyone its art, you can get away a lot.

How do you make a cheap movie? - Look around you, what do you have around you? Take stock in what you have. Your father owns a liquor store - make a movie about a liquor store. Do you have a dog? Make a movie about your dog. Your mom works in a nursing home, make a movie about a nursing home. When I did El Mariachi I had a turtle, I had a guitar case, I had a small town and I said I'll make a movie around that.

Finally, postproduction. When you've finished shooting your movie what do you do? (Picks up video mixer) These are your friends my friends. Video editing systems, computer editing systems, anything like that, its immediate, its easy, its cheap. Do not cut on film. Film is your enemy. You may be shooting on film but don't cut on film. If any of you want to cut on film get out of my class right now. Go spend $20,000 on a real film school and do that. You'll never get a job though - believe me.

Okay, that's just part of it. Like I said, I just picked out some stuff I felt we could relate to. If you want to learn some new stuff read the rest. Or your gay. There is also a pretty interesting part on *lighting*.

That site is awesome. So yeah...I'm just feeling it right now. Going to make sure the batteries are charged and everything. Later!

- Mad Davey Flint


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