The Movies

Before I start this off, what the hell?

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, on to the story. Anyhow, upon arriving at my stepdad's, he announced that I got to spend a hundred bucks - because unlike my sister, I'm not flying out to Arkansas. Or something like that. So we go to the mall so I can unload some of this dough, completely forgetting that I owe Andrew thirty bucks (sorry Andrew). So, three books and a copy of Fable later, me and Ethan decide to see a movie. I propose Team America: World Police (because it looks hilarious) and he agrees.

Now, before we even get into that, let me just say that things like this help me take my mind off my other issues. Reading books as immersive as Dune and playing a game with so many interesting concepts like Fable make me forget my problems with their mind-eroding value. At this point in time I can honestly say that Muad-Dib's problems are more vexxing to me than my own, which says a lot about Frank Herbert's writing. Doug can back me up when I say this: read Dune. It's good.

Anyway, we went to see Team America. It was one of the funniest movies I've EVER seen. From the team's theme song (America! Fuck Yeah!) to the incredibly gratuitous doll sex scene to the the "dicks, pussies, and assholes" speech, this movie had me and my stepdad in stitches. Of course, when we left, he looked at me and said, "Yvonne is never watching this."

Anyhow, it's Sunday now, and I just beat Fable. Wait, what? Yeah, it's pretty short. You know, if they let you just do whatever after you beat the last boss instead of rolling credits and forcing you to play over again, I bet I could squeeze a bunch more hours out of it. My guy is the epitome of badass; his arms are the size of tree trunks, and he's tattooed head to toe in awesome. So why can't I play with him anymore?!? I got his physique to 7, so last time I booted a chicken, it went so far across the screen that it disappeared.

I feel drained. My head is buzzing. I'm going back to bed.


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