And Then the Credits Rolled...

Hey everybody. I think I'll start by warning everyone that this is very much a nerd post, so if my gushing makes you ashamed to call me your friend, well, I'm sorry, but it was just something I was compelled to write and thought you all might enjoy.

So I was on looking up ratings on random movies, since I'm sometimes curious about what others think of movies I've personally enjoyed or hated in the past, when I'm suddenly compelled to type in Metal Gear Solid in the search bar. I type it in and, low and behold, the original PSX game comes up and I check the rating. 100% baby. Oh yeah. So now I'm curious and a little nervous, but I type in Final Fantasy VII anyway. 100% (if it hadn't been, I probably would have gone nuts and killed Brian's bonsai). At any rate, being reminded of these two games strikes a chord in me, and I realize that I have a pretty emotional attachment to them. I enter this sort of reminiscent phase; the way a hardcore sports fan would remember those special games that stood out, or the way a book enthusiast would reminisce about those unforgettable books.

Anyway, with nostalgia fueling me, I feel compelled to take a trip down memory lane and reflect on some of the games that, in one way or another, remain among the ranks of the best games I've played to date. So I present to those who are interested, in no particular order (excluding the first one listed):

Lucio's List of Games Worth Burying (in other words, so valuable, that pirates would bury them for the sake of preservation and increased value)

Final Fantasy VII

Oh man. Any comment hardly seems neccesary, and if I were to list every thought I had about this game, I would probably kick every other post off the front page. This game, is the game. From the first time I ever saw Cloud's picture, along with the other cast members of Final Fantasy VII, I knew that this game was going to be something amazing. I didn't even know what an RPG was at the time, but that did little to deter the gut feeling I had that history was about to be made.

From the moment the game opens to it's epic conclusion, Final Fantasy VII remains, in my humble opinion, the pinnacle of gaming. To date, it's game play and intricate storyline remain what all other RPGs (and for that matter, all other games in general) can only hope to achieve. This game had it all: diverse and charismatic characters; a storyline that never tired and continued to evolve into something now beyond comparison; game play that remained challenging and involving until the last button was pushed; and a legacy in the gaming world that now speaks for itself. What other game has a theme for it's protagonist that's not only orchestrated, but also has a choir? So personal was FFVII that yes, I literally cried when it happened. With much more to say, but more games to talk about, I'll say this in closing: no matter what new games may come out; no matter how many attempts there are to duplicate it; no matter what SquareEnix (mostly Enix) may do to insult its legacy, (Advent Children or Before Crisis anyone?) Final Fantasy VII will always remain the zenith of achieved gaming. If you haven't played it, play it. If you haven't played in a while, play it again.


Remember my comment about Final Fantasy VII being a game of proportions that all other games could only hope to achieve? Well, this one came frighteningly close. Soon after Final Fantasy VII, but before Final Fantasy VIII (thank God), Squaresoft released a group of humble little games that included Xenogears. Boy did it turn out to be a very pleasant surprise. With a storyline that easily rivaled FFVII's in intricacy, and game play that wasn't as complex as Final Fantasy VII's, but was very fun nonetheless, Xenogears certainly earned its rank among the best that gaming has to offer. The only other game that made me cry, this one too was lead by its wonderful and charismatic characters and beautiful storyline that most people would never expect to find in a video game. Another classic produced by Squaresoft, the same rule applies here: haven't played it, play it; been a while, play it again.

Metal Gear Solid

As may be obvious from what was mentioned about the first two, the best games to me are the ones with excellent plotlines. This is mostly because I'm just as big a reader as I am a gamer. Well, if plot's up your alley, this is certainly a game that has a lot of it to offer. This game had a plot the likes of which had almost never been seen in any video game before. While Final Fantasy VII's plot and most other game storylines are in the fantasy area, Metal Gear Solid presented a plot that was so human, it felt as though you were playing out the events of a historical novel rather than just a game. Add to the fact that this game defined a new genre, and you've got yourself an instant classic. A game so full of meaning and metaphorical application that it really made you think in the end, and any game that can do that, is certainly one that stays with you. It certainly stayed with me.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarana of Time

The typical hero's journey is pretty overplayed in the world of gaming, but here, something pretty amazing happened. With the power of the N64 (don't laugh), I think Nintendo was finally able to tell the story of their young protagonist the way it was meant to be told. Ocarana of Time, while lacking in plot when compared to the three games above, was in essence, a game that substituted that fault with game play, spectacular settings and of course, a beautifully composed soundtrack. I can't exactly put it into words, but regardless of what plot it lacked, something about the game worked its way into me so that, upon completion, I certainly felt that same feeling of satisfaction I felt with the above three. You may hate him in Smash Bros. and Soul Calibur II, but if you play this game, you'll certainly see the side of Link that makes you cheer for his triumphs.


This may seem pretty random, but believe me it's not. This game is of worthy mention and for good reason. Besides a then unique style of 2-D characters overlapping 3-D backgrounds, Klonoa at first glance seems to offer little in the way of innovative game play. Even its perhaps overly cute characters offer a false representation of what the game is. It's certainly NOT a game that any kid would be likely to beat. The advanced puzzles, hidden secrets, and very fun game play fuel the game more than the somewhat generic plot. However, this game carries with it a great deal of charm, one that reminds me of Spirited Away. In playing Klonoa, you're transported to a land of dreams, one that plays out like a fairy tale and, despite its simplicity, is just as grabbing. The ending as well, was certainly one I remember, and that stayed long with me after the game was over. Here's to Klonoa and the bittersweet story and amazing game play.

Chrono Trigger

A classic game through and through, and another storyline that again plays off more as an epic than as a video game. The first RPG (to the best of my knowledge) with game play that combined the power of all party members and included multiple endings depending on where the gamer took the storyline. Again, dynamic characters and great plot play well into a game that otherwise reuses the typical hero's journey. The difference here is that the journey itself reaches great proportions that span all of time itself (literally). With Chrono Trigger, you guarantee yourself an excellent game that will keep you hooked until the end of the destiny you chose for your characters.

Kingdom Hearts

If anyone had told me upon first hearing about this game that I would grow greatly attached it, I probably would have laughed. Like many, I was just about ready to label Squaresoft as nothing more than a sellout to Disney. Like many, I was very surprised with just how good Squaresoft and Disney made this game. Despite having a very young protagonist, the game had a very strong metaphorical storyline that amazingly didn't tire out (no matter how many times they had to remind you). In fact, I might even venture to guess that it was Sora's young age that led to the appeal of the whimsical adventure that was Kingdom Hearts. An exceptional game out of what could have easily been terrible, and I eagerly await the sequel.

Well, I could probably list some more, but this list is already pretty long and I've already covered the ones that really stand out. I've had my fun and I hope you guys may take the chance to talk about your favorite games. These little nostalgia trips are fun to write about, and I'd have fun reading about some of your guys' favorite all time games.

'Till next time.

-Black Jack Kidd.


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