Just a little something, no big deal.

I had a good laugh out of this website. It got it from somethingawful.com's Awful Link of the Day. This shit is hilarious. It makes me even prouder to be a white person. Something awful had this to say about the site;
"Much like all this dirty south fat white kid rap shit, it was recorded on a Fischer Price tape recorder and features various doughballs trying to use their big boy voice while describing how much death and terror they plan on reigning down upon their eighth grade classmates. Oh yes, and they plan on pimping the bitches and hoes too. That's after the killin."
HARHARHARHAR! These guys make me scaaa~aared. Go ahead and listen to the song that starts playing, wait for the beat to go on a few seconds and than listen to they "lryics". I thought it was pretty funny. Check out their photos too, the main guy reminds me of Kurtis is he was even douchier or liked rap. Actually the guy from the site is a good mirror of Kurtis on a few different levels...
Oh! While deciding to fix this problem I remembered the scariest flash I ever seen on newgrounds. Granted, it was done well, but….just watch.
Peace Out. - Mad Davey Flint.


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