YESSSSSSSSS! I finally got them back to find out - thanks Longs - half of them have mysteriously DISAPPEARED! That means:

A. The pictures that remain are not only magical, but are loyal to ME
B. The people at Long's are morons.

I choose A. Well here goes:

A look out over our balcony. I know you see all the pretty, but what you don't see is all the boring. Remember the Pool from Hell I posted about earlier? In the pic.

This would be looking off the balcony to the right instead of the left (as in the previous pic). Again, all the pretty and none of the lame.

This is probably my favorite pic. It's the picturesque Hawaii that I always wanted to see but never got to, thanks to the hotels.

Palm trees. What can I say?

Another good one. As you may be able to tell, I'm moving in a car as I take this pic.

They have this graveyard right by the tourist road. What the FUCK is that supposed to mean?

More coastline view, but this time from where we had the luau.

Be prepared, this is where it gets touchy feely.

The sky is blue, and all the leaves are green...

My heart's as full as a baked potato.....

Permission to weep openly now officially granted.

Hey, I had to take one. And by my luck, it turned out shitty.

So that's all. Enjoy the double post.


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