
Alright, I've just spent an hour of time reading the craziest thing ever. And it all starts at I Love Bees. Just go there and you will see what I mean. It starts off innocently enough, it's just a bee honey seeling site. But less than three seconds into reading it this insane error message pops up:

There's nothing more to do from this point, so you have to go to the blog to get an inkling of what's going on. And what else is going on but the FUCKING APOCALYPSE! Start at the bottom of the site and please, don't read any of the text early or it will all seem complete insane. I just finished reading all the posts without the comments and it blew me away. I dont know why; maybe it's that it is written well and thus is easier to believe, since usually people of this caliber of insanity are incoherent. Whatever it's supposed to mean, even if it isn't supposed to mean anything, it's certainly entertaining. Of course, some of the people in there that think it's a code for the Halo 2 launch, but what the Hell is the fun in that? Give your paranoid side a tickle (or a kick in the ribs) and check it out.

Also, Tycho from Penny Aracade is talking about it.


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