These Boring Summer Days

Well, since nobody wants to update, I'll talk about recent events (or lack thereof).

These boring summer days. Man, I was hoping we (the pirate crew) would be spending more (in this case, ANY) time together this summer. I guess vacation interferes here and then but...cmon. This is just sad. For the last couple of days I have been doing nothing but of the following:

a) Play Jak II
b) Run
c) Sleep
d) Forum on ANre

Which I guess isn't much of a bad thing, sometimes it is good to do just nothing. But damn homies. Where's the love? More specifically, where is EVERYONE??

Since I'm bored I will answer that question.

Travis is gone for two weeks in Europe.

Lucio is busy with school. He can only hang out Friday and
Saturday (hopefully even that).

Err...Dante. I don't know where he is. He's not loggin on ANre or Inferno Cafe so I'm assuming he's gone.

Matt and Andrew...don't even know really. Work?

Me...well, I've been trying to get a job, but that's failed. So July is basically one long month of pure nothing. Then I'm gone for August, with orientation at UC Davis and then a very dreadful "vacation" at Disneyworld in Florida. No, I don't like anything Disney, and I don't like unbearable hot weather, so don't say I'm going to have a fun time.

By the way, I finally mailed Dalder a letter. Hopefully I'm not the only one, and hopefully it isn't too late.

Since there's nothing else to talk about, I'll leave off this post with a final saying about a game that has been consuming my life (sorta). Jak II. Probably the best platform game I've ever played (which might not say a lot, but trust me, it's fun). It has guns, an interesting story, and a city that (get this) is BIGGER than the ones you find in GTA. Whoa. Now that's big.


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