Concerning Happy Pills

I have not posted in a while. I feel that I should post anything I feel like saying right now, because it's better than not talking for a while. At school, Dante confirmed that he was not the Blog controlling Nazi I accused him of and that I should go ahead and post whatever I feel like saying, despite his previous statements that when I write, I should make him "feel" what I am trying to express. Anyways, I have nothing better to talk about than the most awesome thing to come around in awhile, and that, of course, is Summer break. Yipee. I finally have time to do ______! To fill in my blank, I would probably most likely put Happy Pills. Yay, we finally have time to do some consistent filming! Anyone else care besides me? I hope so, because I have a few ideas for some movies. I don't feel like writing them down, especially because you all are probably aware of them. This summer I plan on at least doing more than 8. I hope that number does not sound too crazy for you all, and if it is, your either a pussy, or you don't plan on hanging out together very much. I know Lucio, Dante, and Musashi are pretty excited to film, Brian probably too. Speaking of Brian, he's graduating within days! Hurrah! Huzzah! Jinkies! Remember when we all had the brilliant idea to go on some kind of road trip this Summer, one along the lines of a camping trip? Well, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me, I think we should. We could arrange it, my dad says it's alright, as long as we plan everything out correctly. Anyways, enough of my beautiful digression, I would like to suggest some kind of Happy Pills section of this site. I was thinking it be some kind of other section where anyone with (or possibly without) a passcode to write on this blog could explain any idea they have for a Happy Pill. For instance, the very funny idea Dante suggested in his last post could go there. It would sit in that space for whoever to see and if we wanted, he could elaborate. It could be accessed from anyone's comp, of course, and could be printed out at somebody's house if we needed to take the outline for the sketch to location, so we won't forget. It would be a "laundry-list" section of ideas. Excpet it won't be a crappy list, one would post there ideas the same way they would post an update. Ideally, one would write an idea and not be too vague, it would have an outline, or be thourough enough that we get the idea. Unless the person specifically says that they wish for others to brainstorm upon the concept. It would finally be a tool that would finnaly eliminate the "Do you remember that ONE idea we had!? Ooh! Damn, it SO funny!" I feel it would be an efficient way to organize our idea. I hope that can be done on our site. Please think about it. By the way, Dante, I would really appreciate it if you would just write that skit you mentioned was a funny idea in your last post. I really don't have a good idea on what those two announcers sound like, and your a good writer, so I would appreciate it if you would just spend some time or whatever and write that sketch. It would make things go really smooth. Plus, I'm sure you could write a really hilarious skit on your own. It would just save time, really. Thanks! That's another thing, when we film, I would like to eliminate the down time of preparing equipment and getting the idea together. Of course, I'm completely aware of the randomness factor of our filming techniques, but sometimes I think we are too random, and we don't get anything done. So if we had some skits that were already written on some day we none of us feel real spontaneous, we could just go along with one of those. I think we got enough professional-ness among us to do that. Yeah. I hope I don't sound like I'm going hella overboard with this, and I really hope that I'm not preaching to the deaf and those who don't care. I'm just assuming that it's as awesome to me as it is to you guys.

Unfortunately, I can't do the Summer Arts Program at Sanfrancisco College of Fine Arts Academy...poo. My dad says I'll miss to much of it visiting London and Paris, but hey, I'm looking on the bright side, I'm going to be visiting London and Paris!
Otherwise I'm leaving a day or so after school is out and going to LA for Father's day, for only like, that weekend. I'll be back Monday.
Nothing else I guess. The intro poem that went with the E3 video of Final Fantasy 13 was almost the exact same one as the poem that floats by in Final Fantasy Tactics. Anyone remember that? This is the one from the upcoming game: (It's translated by some bilingual reporter)
The Soldier grabs a sword and holds a stone to his chest. His fading memories are etched into the stone.
He entrusts his guarded skill to the stone.
The story has been passed from the sword to the stone.
Now here is that story...
I just happened to pass over this article. It sound just like the intro in FF Tactics. I know this new one is going to have some kind of Tactics influence in it. Why can't they just make a full blown PS2 FF Tactics?
Thanks for letting me rant.
-Mad Davey Flint


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