Nuh UH!

Sorry, but I beg to differ in Doom 3's case. Case in point: Meet Boney McFagglelasers. If you think he's terrifying, you are retarded.

Anyhow, I'm reading this:

It's very well written. This is one you should take a stab at when I'm done, Doug. It's got about a trillion references to mythology and Homer, as well as Biblical references (duh). It's also really detailed in its description of Hell, such as the five rivers (Styx, River of Hate, Acheron, River of Sorrow, Cocytus, River of Lamentation, Phlegethon, River of Fiery Rage, and Lethe, River of Oblivion, which is in a different part of Hell [probably why it is always mentioned that there are four rivers in Hell, not five]). It also talks about Hell's fallen angel capital, Pandemonium, a perversion of the Pantheon. It also gives the etymology of the name Beelzebub, which apparently is not the devil but his right hand man, or maybe even his split personality (it's a little unclear). His name means...wait for it....Lord of the Flies. Oh man, I need to read that book. Anyhow, if you have any interest in things like these, I suggest you pick this one up. I dunno, I've always been interested in the concepts of Heaven and Hell, so this book is like a goldmine for me.


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