The Ruler's Back

Uh-huh uhh, uhh, uh-uhh
Uh-huh uhh, uhh, uhh
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
I, am, back, niggaz
Ha ha ha ha ha.. uh-oh, uh-oh - whoo!
Ladies and gentlemen.. In, to the Ferno

If you didn't get it, check out "The Ruler's Back" by Jay-Z. Jay-Z is actually one of the few mainstream rappers I like, but damn if he doesn't have a massive ego. In fact, I think the entire Blueprint album, which I admittedly love (DAMN YOU BLACK GENES!), is entirely about him.

Anyway, after a long hiatus, I have returned. As I mentioned to Dante before, when I end up writing for Inferno Cafe or my own personal site, entries usually tend to take about an hour or so to write. With my previous schedule being so damn busy, I hardly found any time to do much of anything besides sneaking in time to play bass. With more free time, I'll try my best to update as frequently as possible, but I have to admit, I'm not the type to update all that frequently. If it seems like I haven't updated in too long, just bug Brian, who in turn will threaten me, and I'll get back on track with updates.

Hmm, so it seems Dante and I are the only ones who haven't jumped ship. I'm not being condescending or accusatory; I'm just using a pirate-related metaphor to state what seems to be fact. Anyway, this issue has gone for a while, so I think I'm going to give my input, and then personally, never speak of it again. Hopefully.

To Travis and Matt: Dante criticized your entries. Get over it. Criticism is a part of everyday life. People will criticize you until the day you die, and if you can't take it and learn from it, you're going to be in a bad spot in a few years. If you can't take it, you can at least ignore it certain situations like this one. Dante takes writing very seriously, and he can't help but be critical most of the time anyway. If you guys can remember your names and passwords, I hope you guys will start writing again.

To Dante: You've changed. I think that's really the bottom line here. All you have to do is click the links to the 2003 entries and you'll see that most, if not all, of your entries are just as small and "pointless" as the ones you complained about Travis posting. "I don't intend to change your messages at all (maybe the spelling), and I'm not going to be a dictator even if your post is a rant about how I suck." Those were your exact words posted October 1, 2003. "Lucio has joined the struggle for justice. He should be posting any second now about something hilarious. His new post will be so spectacular you will literally shit a brick." Another quoted entry from a couple days later, October 2, 2003. Well Dante, I'm not sure about everyone else, but those two entries give me the impression that (1) we're allowed to post whatever we feel like posting and (2) that you even want the posts to be hilarious and fun, not always deep and thought provoking. When you criticized Travis for his entries, it did feel like you were being a harsher than you needed to be. Maybe consider lightening up a little concerning entry content? We want to have a good time with the site. Thoughtful entries are all fine and well, but if we're forced into it, it puts us in the awkward position of feeling like our work isn't appreciated at all. Few people enjoy that feeling.

Oh yes. FUCK WORRYING ABOUT FELLOW PIRATE. If what he/she said bothered you, just ignore it. He/she already tried to explain his/her intentions in another post, and if you're still pissed, then what more can you do? While I'm also opposed to giving whoever he/she is a spot on this blog, it's ultimately Dante's decision. Something like the opinion of one person who doesn't know any of us shouldn't bother any of us. All he/she can use for reference are what we've written on our blog, so of course she would assume Matt is someone who shuns all emotion and love. I won't go into detail, but those of us who know Matt know it isn't true, so the opinion of this person shouldn't change anything. Opinions are just the thoughts of one person.

Anyway, I'm getting sick of all this crap. To surmise: Dante, let us write what we want and try to be nice with your criticism or maybe not criticize at all, and Travis and Matt, just come back and write dammit. Dante is a pretty weak pirate force without us, despite the fact that, yes, The Ruler's Back. Another joke. Avast homies.

-Black Jack Kidd

P.S. Knock Knock


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