Sooooo Halloween.
It was fun, or was it too much fun? I think it was GREAT! we did all kinds of stuff. Like walking...trick or treaded... punked people... and laughed like pirates. Generaly, things were pretty cool... so yeah it was fun. We played a little SMASH BROTHERS, then we started to put our gear on. Lucio looked like a Pirate Captain, I looked like this guy but sort of a mix between that and an (dare i say it?) an inmate... Andrew looked like a mix between this and this, without the being black part. This was because Andrew was our captured Ninja and no one messes with our crew. He was a warning, literaly. We put a sign on his back that said that Ninjas be warned about fucking with us. All these people were trying to read as we walked away. Matt looked pretty much like this. So we went everywhere. All over Alameda in fact, collecting tons of CANDY! It was all kinds of fun as we "ARRRRR"ed and scared ugly, little kids. Little bastards. There were all kinds of stupid, giggeling, pretten girls too. We had fun going from house to house seeing all the different kinds of peoples. My dad parked his car sideways so the kids from different towns (*caough OAKLAND! *caough) would not bother his old tush. Some kids did anyways. I don't know how they did without going over our fence, but thay sure can be crafty little bastards. Of course, when i showed them how obvious it was they should have fucked off, the kid still asked if i would open the door to give him candy. What a dumbass. True story. There were dissapointingparts, but it all turned out ok. I wish we could have trick or treated with our kick ass pirate treasure chest. (ours is cooler than that one by the way) At first it looked like this when we started, then it looked like THIS when we were done looting. Unfortunately, it was not surprising when i showed Andrew an Lucio the chest, because apparently they knew. Maybe somebody had told them. Who knows? So out treasure chest was hella full of candy and we were all like, yeah and it was good.
I'll tell y'all more later.

PS. Things are starting to heat up with your cuzzizins boyfreind and me Andrew. i don't know how they are able to type the way they talk but they can. I was reading her daily whatever, and she blabes on just like Jennaway does, the whole time in that alien tongue. Anyways, im out.


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