That right Bitch! Guess who's on the scene!? ME! Thats right....Travis! Ahhhh, all this space to my stupid little self. So, yeah, does Bryan, Master of the Universe -Oh sorry- "Dante" tell you anything about school? Well I weeeeeeel. It's stupid and so are you. Oh wait, if you ended up here, then you automatically get suck points reduced. Cool. Anyways, if my web page design class has taught me anything than maybe I can revamp this site a little. Even though I only know HTML. HTML only works if im making this page on notepad. I'm sure this god-forsaken blog-hole has some kind of editing device. Besides, if were going to be putting all our whatever on here we need the site to reflect ass-kicked-ness of us all as one. This site already does a good job representing a good one/sixth of our posse (Bryan, Destroyer of Souls). Anyways, school only rocks because we attend it. No, we just sort of represent and plan on making a permanent burn mark on the scholl before we are done. (Not litteraly). ....Or we could.....No. Not my style.



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